An Even Vida     

Applied Kinesiology

Colorado Springs

Call: 719-896-1600


Applied Kinesiology is a systematic approach to evaluate structural, nutritional and mental inhibition.  It combines muscle testing (like a polygraph) with other standard methods of diagnosis. Its primary purpose is to quickly and efficiently help restore balance and maintain well being throughout life.  It is an integrative approach to gathering information from your body.

How Does It Work?

Muscles move bones, bones don’t move muscles.  Muscles should be balanced and working together, contracting (facilitated) and relaxing (inhibited).  You see this when you are walking or riding a bike.

Muscle connect with other parts of your body via nerves (brain and spinal cord).  This connection is measured and integrated so as to measure other parts of your body as well such as skin, organs, glands, etc.  Every doctor in some way, shape, or form evaluates muscles!

Why Applied Kinesiology?

Dr. George Goodheart, Jr., who founded AK, knew like many others that health and life comes from integration of the body.  Applied Kinesiology allows us to bridge Eastern and Western healing arts and therapies together. 

Public knowledge knows, no doctor heals or cures disease, they remove irritations that block the natural healing process.  Or keep you alive long enough, so you can heal yourself (like an ER doc or surgeon).  Applied Kinesiology is the most expedient way to finding and fixing any interference.


“Applied Kinesiology recognizes that the body is a self-maintaining, self-correcting mechanism.  When health is lost, something is interfering with the body’s adaptability and it is unable to cope with the different environmental stresses.”

-Dr.  D. Walther

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